4 Things You Need To Know Before Your Wedding Tasting

As you and your spouse-to-be finalize your wedding reception menu, you’ll need to taste each option to make informed choices. Caterers often offer extensive wedding tastings in advance of the big day; here’s what you need to know about the tasting experience.

Determine Your Preferences Beforehand

Give your caterer an idea of the dishes you want before the tasting. Detail your basic likes and dislikes, preferences for cuisine styles, and any food allergies or sensitivities. These guidelines will help your caterer create a menu that will satisfy everyone.


Keep your guests’ preferences and dietary needs in mind as well. If you’re expecting guests who adhere to vegetarian or kosher diets, make sure your caterer knows this in advance.

Limit the People You Bring Along

Once you’ve got the tasting for your wedding reception food on the calendar, you may want to invite several loved ones along for their input. However, the tasting will go more quickly and smoothly if you limit your tagalongs to four people. Prioritize loved ones whose culinary preferences agree with yours.

Offer Constructive Feedback

If your caterer has you taste a dish that you strongly dislike, politely let them know why you’re passing on it. In addition, if an hors d’oeuvre or dessert is almost perfect, tell your caterer what you like and don’t like about it. Your satisfaction is their priority; giving friendly, constructive feedback about each dish will help them make the necessary changes.

Stick to Their Schedule

Wedding caterers are busy professionals. If your caterer advises you that your tasting is at a specific time, be punctual and work according to their set schedule. Show that you respect the time and skilled labor that goes into a wedding tasting!

As you and your partner plan the wedding of your dreams, keep these bits of wedding-tasting etiquette in mind. Knowing what to expect before your tasting will help you plan the perfect menu and encourage you to politely make any necessary changes.


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