Unconventional Wedding Reception Traditions To Try

Unconventional Wedding Reception Traditions To Try

If “traditional” wedding reception ideas leave you and your partner unimpressed, think outside the proverbial box—or throw the box away altogether. There are plenty of unconventional wedding reception traditions that don’t get enough love. Give one of these unexpected practices a try on your big day!

Toast Without Champagne

Whether you’re from an alcohol-free family or you simply don’t like bubbles, there are plenty of valid reasons to have your wedding toast with a drink other than champagne. Toasting with a unique beverage will set your reception apart from others that your guests have attended.

Create a signature cocktail (or mocktail) that fits your wedding’s theme, give it a memorable name, and toast with that instead.

Mix Up the Dances

Traditionally, the groom and his mother have their own special dance at the reception, as do the bride and her father. But as long as your two families are becoming one, why not switch up the dance partners and get to know one another better?

Have the bride dance with her new father-in-law and the groom with his mother-in-law, or whichever unique matches make sense for your family. Enjoy the togetherness of your newly blended family with a gorgeous lake house wedding venue as your backdrop.

Skip the Cake

While a traditional wedding cake makes a gorgeous centerpiece, there are other dessert options that are equally astonishing to behold. Go for a tower of macarons or an elaborate cupcake display instead, and guests won’t have to wait around for someone to cut them a slice.

Plus, fewer and fewer brides are excited to have cake smashed in their faces. Brainstorm another dessert photo op with your beloved that maintains the dignity (and makeup!) of everyone involved.

If you and your future spouse have unique tastes and preferences, don’t be shy about reflecting them in your wedding ceremony and reception! Try one or more of these unconventional wedding reception traditions on your big day, and your guests are bound to welcome the refreshing change.


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